FRee follow up
*Free, effective, and better than a poke in the eye.
premium follow up campaigns
*Double your lead conversation and set MORE appointments automatically with premium
follow up campaigns.
FRee follow up
*Free, effective, and better than a poke in the eye.
premium follow up campaigns
*Double your lead conversation and set MORE appointments
automatically with premium follow up campaigns.
Buyer & Seller Past Client Follow Up Plan By JS
*If your Client Both Sold Their Home and Purchased a Home With You, Put On The “Buyer Past Client Follow Up Plan”…. These follow up
Buyer & Seller “TimeLine Established” Call Task Drips By JS
IMPORTANT: Once a Buyer or Seller has communicated their Buying/Selling Time Frame, then stop the “No Time Frame Established Call Tasks” and add/start the appropriate
Your Website Generated Online Buyer Lead Drip Campaign Plans by JS
This drip is designed around converting leads that you’ve generate on your personal website. This drip includes 44 Automated Email drips, 9 Automated Text messages, and 25 Call/Video Texting Tasks and is designed around converting your websites own generated online leads.
3rd Party Online Buyer Leads Email/Text Follow Up Drips By JS
This drip is designed around converting leads that you’ve Purchased or received from 3rd party websites like zillow,,, or your brokerage website i.e. This drip includes 45 Automated Email drips, 11 Automated Text messages, and 26 Tasks/Calls/Video Texting Tasks and is designed around converting your websites own generated online leads.
Online Seller Lead Email/Text Follow Up Drip Campaign By JS
This Drip is designed to handle ALL types of home valuation leads. It consist of 27 emails, 10 text messages, and 21 tasks that include call scripts and video texts.
Expired Seller Lead “Have Spoken To” Email Drip Campaign By JS
This drip is to be used once you’ve talked to an expired listing lead and they aren’t ready to list yet for any reason. This drip will automatically keep you in touch with your expired lead until they are ready to list up to 900 days.
Expired Seller Lead “Have NOT Spoken To” Drip Plan By JS
This drip is designed to convert expired leads from your preferred lead source. This drip is composed off a call script, call schedule, and automated emails. Drip also works well with JS Expired Seller Lead “Have Spoken To” Email Drip Campaign:
For Sale By Owner Seller FREE Resource Email/Text Drip Plan
This drip is designed to convert FSBO leads once you’ve already established contact with them. This drip is composed of highly valuable emails that help FSBO’s sell their home on their own with text message and call scripts follow up. The goal of this drip is to give the FSBO so much value, that the second they consider giving up. They will beg to list with you.
Buyer Sign Call Follow UP Email Drip Campaign By JS
This drip is designed around following up with leads that’ve called you via your for sale sign from your sign rider. This drip includes automated text messages, automated emails, and phone call tasks.
Open House Buyer Lead Basic Follow Up Plan By JS
This drip is designed to help you follow up with buyer leads you’ve met at your open house. It is recommended to collect buyers personal email and cell phone number. Drip consist of automated tasks such as email, text message, manual tasks such as video texts and phone calls. For seller leads you’ve met at your open house, please check out ZZ: JS Open House Seller Lead Basic Follow Up Plan
IDX: Home Buyer
This drip is designed for any lead that you’ve spoken too that you’ve put on an IDX Search. Ideally ALL leads should be on some sort of IDX search. This drip consist of 6 months of follow mostly custom text and emails with a few optional call or slydial tasks.
Open House Seller Lead Address Obtained Email/Text Drip By JS
This drip is designed around following up with neighbors that visit your open house and express interest in selling. It is only recommended you put a seller lead on this drip if you are able to obtain or fine their home address. It consist of calls, texts, and emails.
Open House Nosey Neighbor Seller Lead Email/Text Drip Plan By JS
This drip is designed for open house leads that are nothing more than just nosey neighbors that refuse to give you their home address. It is designed as a long term touch with no call scripts. Just automated texts and emails. Drip lasts just under 3 years.
IDX: Vacant Land
This drip is designed for any lead that you’ve spoken too, is interested in vacant land, and is on an IDX Search. Ideally ALL leads should be on some sort of IDX search. This drip consist of 6 months of follow up mostly custom text and emails with a few optional tasks.
IDX: Touch
This drip is a “lighter” version of other IDX drips and is designed for any lead that you’ve spoken too, showed homes too, is on an IDX Search and/or was previously on another IDX drip campaign. Ideally ALL leads should be on some sort of IDX search. This drip consist of 12 months of follow up mostly custom text and emails with a few optional tasks.
Custom Follow Up
Custom follow up drip schedules are your ultimate insurance policy. When all else fails, you have custom drip schedules to take over insure your leads get converted.
14 Day Online Buyer Text and Email Follow Up NO CALLS
This drip is design to be fully automated and is perfect for any Realtor that doesn’t like making phone calls or wants to save time. It consist of 10 text message and 5 emails and converts leads in 14 days or less.
14 Day Online Seller Text and Email Follow Up NO CALLS
This drip is design to be fully automated and is perfect for any Realtor that doesn’t like making phone calls or wants to save time. It consist of 10 text message and 5 emails and convert seller leads in 14 days or less.
Seller Appointment Set & Seller No Shows The Appointment Follow Up Campaign By JS
The drip is designed for listing appointments for when the seller is a no show. It is designed to reengage the seller and reschedule a listing appointment.
Listing Appointment Conducted Did Not Get The Signed Listing Follow Up Campaign By JS
This drip is designed to follow up listing leads who’ve you conducted a listing appointment with, but haven’t signed a listing agreement.
Buyer Appointment Set & Buyer No Shows The Appointment Follow Up Campaign By JS
This drip is designed for buyer leads who are no show to a buyers consultation and is designed t0 reschedule an appointment and ultimately get the sale.
Buyer Appointment Conducted But Buyer Did Not Sign/Commit Follow Up Campaign By JS
This drip is designed for any buyer you’ve conducted a buyers consultation for but didn’t sign the buyers agency agreement and commit to you as their Realtor.
Not Right Now: Checking In: 25 Day Touch
This drip is designed for anyone that isn’t interested in buying right now or you aren’t sure where they are going. The goal of this drip is to act as a touch point and reminder that you are here and ready to help the lead if they need anything.
Boost: IDX Any Homes You’d Like To See?
This drip is designed to reengage old or new leads that are currently browsing for homes on your website and who you’re not in regular contact with. Ideally, your IDX/home search website should allow you to track and see who is actively looking at homes for sale. Once you identify someone who is active on your website and are not in regular content with, put them on this drip so you can start a conversation and sell them their dream home!
BOOST: Requested Video Tour VR
Boosts are designed to be quick little drip campaign that reengage clients or provided requested information. In this case, a client either request a 360/VR video tour of a particular home or looked at one home many times that you think they might be interested in (should be able to track client activity on home search website) and you went out took a VR tour.
Facebook Leads – Lists Of Homes Ads (5 Years)
This drip campaign is designed to turn facebook buyer leads into piping hot real estate clients. This drip will continue to convert leads for up to 5 years. Generating leads in 2019 is no longer a struggle. In fact, it is arguably one of the easiest things to do now. However, converting them into clients is another matter.
New Lead: Property Inquiry: Email Only (No Videos)
There are plenty of times and situations for one reason or another, you only seem to get emails but no phone numbers. Or maybe you just prefer running lead gen ads only getting emails… Who knows! Regardless, this drip campaign is for you!
It’s designed to follow up with and convert property inquiry leads into piping hot clients! It doesn’t matter if where the lead comes from (i.e. facebook, Instagram, lead ads, Zillow,, your own listing, etc.) so long as they inquired about a specific property, gave you their name, and email address, you’ll be able to convert them into a buyer.
Timeline Established: 1+ Year Out
This drip is designed for leads that are a year or so out from buying a house. Remember, clients usually buy within half the time that they tell you to reach out so it’s important to stay in touch consistently. This is a 45 day touch that’s composed of mostly “checking in” messages. Half automated, half personal touches.
Timeline Established: Reengagement Campaign
This drip campaign is designed to work with other Timeline established campaigns. The way it works is other timeline established campaigns act as touch points until such a time the lead wants you to follow up with them. Example: Say a lead wants you to follow up with them next summer, you’d add a task reminder for you to put that lead on this Timeline Established: Reengagement Campaign for the date that they want you to follow up with them.

Talking To: Requested Phone Call About Specific Property: Didn’t Answer Phone
This drip is built for leads that inquired about a particular property, scheduled a phone call or call back time and didn’t answer their phone. It is designed to reengage these leads to set another appointment.
It consist of 4 emails, 5 phone calls, and 8 text messages all designed to reengage the lead.
IDX: Checking In: Tri Weekly Touch: TEXT ONLY
This drip is designed to work as a “touch point” for leads that are passive/selective with their home search. It is a low pressure “checking in” type of message with few calls to actions. Great for any lead that you are not actively showing homes too.